Thursday, January 16, 2014

Updates & Such

I'm playing catch up here, and getting a little random! We are finally getting back into the swing of things around here. It was a bit of a struggle for Raygan to go back to school. She cried when I dropped her off and has had a "I want mama moment" moment every day since.

Remy started swimming lessons and the girl seriously cracks me up. She screamed ad screamed on and off and managed to run up out of the pool from her teacher. So needless to say monday was a struggle for everyone! But Wednesday came around and she loved it, went under wanted and everything. She is very comfortable with water, it's just stranger danger with the teacher.

This past week we celebrated remys third birthday by starting the morning off with donuts, followed by pottery painting and lunch at the mall with her cousins and aunt and uncle. She told me the day before get birthday that she wanted her ears Pericrd, we really thought she would chicken out once she saw the guns but my little monster was brave and did it! Later that night she opened some gifts from us and next week we'll celebrate with our family and friends.

We  went on a little girls date with our pals to Micky and Minnie's rocking music festival. It was so much fun! Seriously, little mermaid nostalgia went on for this mama. My girls shook to the beat and I held little roury in the ergo baby for the first time ever and she loved it.....and so did i! I didn't "wear" the girls often, if at all and well this time it's not really an option. I do believe I'll be "wearing" her for all of our grocery shopping endeavors!  I've never felt like such a mom in my life. I was quite terrified to even attempt such an adventure without my main Man, but my gals rocked it. They are at such a good age, all of them! The big gals actually listen to me (the majority of the time) and roury is still a sleepy cuddly baby that sleeps during most outings and if she wakes up, she

Roury is starting to get used to my constant snuggles and pretty much loves to be held. She's already smitten with daddy, and talks to him more than anyone. She's developed quite the perfect schedule in the mornings, I feed her before pre school, drop raygan off at school and head to remys swimming lessons, afterwards head to pick up raygan, head home......then she wakes up. Quite perfect honestly, because I try to squeeze errands in there as well.

On my little list of resolutions I shared that I'd  like to connected with my friends more, in every way shape and form. I want to value my friendships and create great memories. So far I've agreed to a mamas dinner date for Friday and I got together with a couple of my high school best friends to plan one of their baby showers. Which is so exciting to me! But anyway, go me! For starting off this year right!

We've been enjoying some outdoors the last couple days. Im loving my Ergo! A couple bike rides are doing this mama good! Lately Ive been crawling up my walls needing outside!

My real life best friend started a blog herself.  She's a hairstylist turned at home mama and mamashort2 on instagram is you follow her! You'll lovveee her!


  1. As if I thought your girls couldn't get any cuter.....Seriously, have some heart breakers on your hands!!

    I'm off to check out your friends blog :)

  2. Your girls are all so cute! Glad you guys have been having so much fun lately :D

  3. wow, can I just say "you amaze me". You look amazing and so energized with 3 little girls.
    After a 3 week winter break, my son was actually excited to get back to school...surprised me.
    Happy B-day to Remy, getting her ears pierced... huge!
    and Roury is just too adorable.
    Seeing your girls is making hope I am having a girl ;) Babe is also wanting a baby sister.

  4. So glad you've started the year off right! You really are super momma! You and your girls are gorgeous.

  5. AHHHH I can't handle all of the cuteness!!!!

  6. ugh I'm picturing her amazing body against mine and my big dick exploding in orgasm inside her little cunny


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