Thursday, January 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Remy

Happy birthday to my Remy.
Three years ago you stole our hearts with your milky brown eyes, and your amazing spirit. You are feisty yet sweet, my perfect little sour patch baby. You melt my heart every single day in your ability to make others happy. I love your little cartoon voice and the way you say "me" instead of "my" I deep down wish it would never change but then i love seeing you grow and witness your accomplishments. I love your shy little  "I totally rock" smile that you give when you learn something new or when I give you a thumbs up at swim lessons. Your a daddy's girl full of spunk and sass that has proven to be the best big sister ever. Right next to Raygan of course. 

I love you inside and out, upside down and all around. Thank you for putting a smile on my face every single day. 

Happy third birthday my baby. 


  1. Happy birthday sweet girl!

  2. Happy Birthday, darling!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. So sweet!! Happy birthday pretty Remy!!!

  4. ♥ Happy Birthday Remy!!!! Hope her day was fantastic and full of laughs, joy and eating TONS of cupcakes!!!

  5. Happy Birthday Remy! I have missed reading your blog and seeing your precious babies! :)

  6. SO excited to celebrate tonight! I'm still in shock that she is 3 years old. She's an amazing little girl and I am so thankful she is around to keep my little man in check...hahhaha! love you girls! happy third birthday sweet girl!

  7. Happy Happy Birthday sweet pretty girl!

  8. such a gorgeous little baby girl


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