Friday, October 4, 2013

On the Daily

So this is what we've been up to.
Ya know, other than moving, and getting ready for a baby.

//Stripes + prints//
//One child still wants to get away with no sweater or coat while the other acts like its below zero out//
//Coffee dates with my man//
//sister love//
//sister love x2 this was completely unscripted//
//Donut dates with my little and my bestie//

//Raygan looking 16//
//Marriage planning//
//And a bunch of crazies//


  1. Other than moving and getting ready for a baby hahaha. I love your girls! They are so sweet. And I love that leopard head band.... me likey.

  2. You have so much going on in your life and you still find time for the simple joys - I love it!

  3. Have y'all picked a name yet? Sorry in advance if you have already blogged it...

  4. I love seeing glimpses of your sweet little life! You and your girls are so beautiful and I can't wait to see sweet baby girl #3. I wish we lived closer!!!!

  5. I am OBSESSED with your girls. They are so precious! I can't hardly wait to "meet" the newest member of the bunch :)


I love your sweet words!

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