Friday, December 30, 2011

My own Pinterest Challenge!

Hello there! Ive noticed some big blogs out there doing a Pinterest Challenge and that inspired me to do my own! For me. One of my years resolutions (along with a lot of other people) is to "stop pinning and start doing" I want to challege myself to projects and make myself a more productive mama :) Ive been doing DIY projects for awhile now, before I started this little blog of mine. and I love me some crafts!

Some of the projects I will be doing will be motified, or not off pinterest and to heck with it, some of my crafts/DIY/whatever you wanna call it will be my own ideas that I came up with in my own little world. I will give credit to whomever i "stole" the idea from if it is not my own.

I am assuming that a lot of my projects will be home decorating as well as projects or even activities for my little girls. Remys first birthday is coming up so I know I have some projects lined up for that...and im behind. Thats what I get for giving birth at the end of Jan. For many more years Im going to be planning a dang birthday the same time as christmas time.

Ive very excited to start this!! Im hoping to do one a week....we'll see how that goes! haha. I havent decided which day yet! im guessing Ill be posting them on mondays, It will give me time to wrap things up sunday...aka our lazy relaxing day. ahhh.


This is my little ballerina at her dance performance....she danced, and sung her little heart out halfway through "no more monkeys jumpin on the bed" until she saw me in the crowd and ran straight to me!!
She has a dance performance tomorrow for a local New Years Eve celebration. Im going to hide cause I know she can do it if she doesnt see me!! She has progressed so much, and thats kind of the point of this class, besides the fact that girlfriend likes to dance! To get her to interact with other kids and be around someone other then me or her dad!!

Shes getting so big! Shes doing one year old things and it blows me away. Shes my sweet little girl who is turning into a little diva herself. Insisting she gets what she wants all of the time.

Hope everyone has a Great Friday!

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