Thursday, December 1, 2011

Christmas shirts!!

Ohhh how i love pinterest! I found these christmas tree shirts on pinterest and I couldnt help myself, they were easy peasy! First i just decided what ribbon i wanted to use, which i have a ton to choose from. Then went to go get some fabric glue (i made sure the glue was would still stick after being washed) After I did that I cut the ribbion out in the shape of a tree...and then glued them to the shirt. literally that easy! I ironed down the ribbon after i had glued it just 'cause haha.

And here we go!

I appologize for the terrible lighting. My house has!!

The link from pinterest came via

Ill make sure to post some pictures of my girlies wearing them soon :)


  1. Adorable! I put this on my FB page today! :) Thanks for linking to Thrifty Thursday!


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