Wednesday, November 20, 2013

The Night Before Induction

One might be curious as to what people do the day & night before you get induced.

Go to the laundromat and catch up on ALL the laundry. 

Take your girls out to lunch, because they requested it, and right now you'd give them a pony if they asked. 

Remember that you share a hairbrush with your girls so you need to pick that up on the way to the hospital oh and pads....and tucks.

Purchase a new set of washer and dryers that will arrive and be installed Saturday. 

Run around like a mad women making sure there are no dishes in the sink and you have your oldest child's item for sharing set out for Friday so nobody forgets. 

Put big sister gifts together and hospital goodies for your man. 

Let your two girls eat chicken nuggets on the floor at 9pm. 

Eat pizza with your man at 10pm.

Try to sleep but continue to make thousands of lists in your head on what needs to be done and laid out or whatever for cameron and the grandmas. 

Climb In bed with your four year old anddddd then your almost three year old. 

Sit on your phone at 4am and write a blog post. 


  1. Good luck my sweet friend! I'll be thinking about you!

  2. We hung out at home watching movies, taking a nap, dinner together... Sounds like you had a great day. Best of luck!!

  3. OH MY GOODNESS! I CANT WAIT FOR BABY #3!!!!!! Goodluck mama!

  4. number 3 is so much different than baby number one, huh? No time to set and rest. Sounds like you didn't forget a thing. Hoping for a safe delivery and lots of family time! Congrats!

  5. So exciting!! I could hardly sleep the night before my inductions. Good luck!!

  6. Of course you were out running around....I would have had my ass planted on the couch ALL.DAY.LONG! Lol

    So happy to hear the news this morning. Give your little Miss a snuggle for me!

  7. Hope all is well with you and your family! =0)
    Yes, mamas are always busy bees, even right before they are about to be induced. lol


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