Saturday, September 7, 2013

Wedding Day 9/7/13

Today is our wedding day. 

I never knew it was possible to know someone so well. Truly know them. How they perceive life itself, as well as their very next thought. I'm sure if he was aware of how well I knew him he would think I was a total creeper and beg to differ. But it's true, I know him better than I know myself. 

He's a hard ass with the biggest heart in the entire world, and that combination only makes sense if you knew him. He's honest and truthful and the most giving person I know.  He caves for all fundraisers and every Christmas he picks out 20/25 kids names from our salvation army Christmas tree. It's how he rolls and I love him more for that. He's no good at schedules and I have to remind him of appointments and such the week of, the day before of, and two hours prior to the said appointment/event. He's taught me how to roll with things and I've taught him a thing or two about planning even if he hates every second of it. I've learned how to deal with his rough and tough exterior and he's learned how to deal with my over sensitive psycho self.  
We work together, we create a balance. 

He's a giant part of who I am, not just because he's the man I chose to have my babies with as well as joining him in his last name. He's taught me more in life then I ever would have imagined. He's helped shape me into a better mom, person, daughter and friend and I thank him for that. Hes my very best friend and my partner in crime in this life we share together. 

I always knew he was the man I was going to marry, from the very beginning. I told all my friends and him as well, then later regretted it because I sounded like a complete and total freak for saying something so ridiculous early on in our relationship and not to mention the fact that we were so young. Regardless. 
He stuck around. 

But most of all he's a daddy to his baby girls. He's so present and honest with them, I love and envy their relationships. I've learned to sit back and let them have something of their own  rather than be stepping in and assisting. He's their knight and shinning armor and he basks in it. His bond with both our girls, is truly amazing to watch and a blessing itself, as I'm sure it will be with our next sweet baby girl as well. Fatherhood comes so natural so easy to him to him and  I'm honored that he is the daddy to my girls. I never doubted the fact that he would be an amazing dad, but he's exceeded every thought I could ever imagine. He knows how to love them. He's the first one they show their outfits too, or hair do, or anything fantastic for that matter which his reply is always spectacular and uplifting of course. 

I can't imagine what the past six years would have been like had we not joined paths. It puts a uncomfortable knot in my stomach, and makes me feel uneasy. Yet at the same time, I never thought we would have it so good. "it" being life. This life we've created together is our own and far more than I ever hoped and dreamed. I'm so lucky to have this man, this relationship, and this life we share together and I am forever great full. I look forward to the rest of our years together, the ups and downs and the in betweens. 


  1. This is too sweet! You've definitely found your soul mate! Congratulations on your wedding!

  2. This is such a sweet post, you two sound perfect for each other! It's funny how well you come to know someone, and they you. I hope your wedding is perfect!

  3. Congratulations :) Sounds like you two are the perfect match! I pray today is perfect and all that you have been dreaming of :)

  4. Congratulations on your wedding. :)

  5. Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful day, and can't wait to see some pictures!

  6. This is an amazing post! Congratulations on your wedding and being together for 6 years! And your beautiful family!

  7. what an amazing post!! Congratulations! I hope that your day is filled with fun, laughter and beautiful memories!

  8. Happy Wedding Day!!!! I'm sure everything went beautifully :)))) Congrats girl!

  9. So happy for you and your family, can't wait to hear about all the details of the wedding! Congratulations to you, your hubby and beautiful girls! :)

  10. I hope your wedding was everything you've ever dreamed of. Can't wait to see photos!

  11. Congrats! I can't wait to see the photos! :)

  12. I am in tears!! What a sweet, honest and heart-felt post dedicated to your best friend. I thought of you all weekend celebrating your new life as husband and wife. I hope it was an amazing day and I can't wait to see pics!

  13. Congrats on your wedding day!! I can't wait to read about it and see pictures :)

  14. Congratulations! Such a sweet post that your husband should and I'm sure will cherish forever!

  15. Yaaaaay--congrats to the two of you! I hope you had the most wonderful day :)


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