Friday, September 27, 2013

Family Photo Session!

I am so smitten with these photos. 
It originally was a photo shoot for just my gals, then turned into adding me, then Cameron was all "ok lets do this family photo thing" I think it has something to do with the fact that he wasn't forced into it and that in itself changes his complete and total reaction to things. We squeezed this in the week before the wedding-because Im like that. 
Moving Forward. 
When I first met our photographer  she was probably the sweetest person I have ever met and I new that it was going to be a great shoot. I appreciated the fact that she had a little girl herself so she understood children. Like the fact that Remy stood stone cold for the first couple minutes and later warmed up-and worked it if I do say so myself. But only if mama wasnt looking. 
I was forced to hide behind this big beautiful building while Cameron was giving me thumbs up saying 
"your gonna love these"

Im thankful that she suggested some maternity photos, because that is so not me. The whole groping the belly thing is not my thing, but these are subtle and appreciated. 
I adore this last one of me and Cameron.
Amandas FB//Site//blog


  1. Love love love these!!!!!!!! So precious and so sweet. And you'll look at these years down the road and remember such sweet times in your lives!!! Your girls are beautiful and so are you, friend.

  2. Oh and this location is fabulous!! Just perfect!!

  3. OH MY GOODNESS -- STOP with the cuteness overload already! Can one family be any more perfect and beautiful!!!!!!!!! Absolutely GORGEOUS photos....I love them ALL!

  4. Omg!!! these really are just so perfect. Love!

  5. Awww! These are SO beautiful! I can't wait to finally be able to afford to get a family portrait session done!

  6. These are stunning!! Everyone looks so beautiful and it's such a great setting.

  7. Such a beautiful family! Love these pictures!

  8. Beautiful! Glad you got in front of the camera.

  9. These are fantastic pictures!!! I bet these are going to be faves for many years to come. :)

    Visiting today from Lovin' the Weekend Blog Hop.

  10. Great family photos! I love them all. Especially #3. Your daughter hugging you! Could that be anymore perfect?!?

  11. Amazing pictures! I love that background and you all look wonderful!

  12. I adore every single one of these photos. They are so beautiful. And, those baby girls are GORGEOUS! So happy for your family. *hugs*

  13. These are all amazing photos! You'll have to have ANOTHER photo shoot soon when there is baby girl #3! :)

  14. Aw! You are so sweet Ashlea! You guys were such a pleasure to photograph and I seriously cannot wait to meet baby girl #3!!

  15. Loooved them..gosh your girls are just beauties! :-)


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