Thursday, March 14, 2013

Bloglovin ban wagon

I don't fully understand the reason why google is taking aways google reader or google friend connect, but I jumped on the bloglovin ban wagon and I'm slowly getting used to it! I must admit its not my favorite thing ever:) Anyway I joined today so if you want to, feel free to follow! We have until July 1st, YIKES!
<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>


  1. I just transferred all my google reader links over to blog lovin yesterday too. So they're also doing GFC? I'll transfer those guys over this weekend then. boo. Have a great weekend!

  2. I am already following! and I dont get it either and I jumped on that bandwagon and ate some chips! lol

    here is my link!


  3. I am following too! And get the bloglovin add on for your brower! Just a click of a button!!

  4. I just joined it yesterday, too...and I'm not a big fan, either. Oh well. I still plan on using Blogger dashboard for all my reading ;)

  5. That's the bandwagon I jumped on as well. Now for learning bloglovin... I hate learning new technology.

  6. I have used Bloglovin for several months now. It gets easier, I promise! It's actually a nice way to keep blogs organized!


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