Friday I got my hair done and Saturday morning my parents picked up the girls for a sleepover at nana and papas. As soon as they left with the girls we zipped downtown for some cake tasting and consultation. As fun as it was to taste different kinds of cake I knew we'd end up with our regular. Chocolate and raspberry filling, and we did. But it was fun and honestly I like to think that wedding planning is more fun when you have kids because it gives you an excuse for little dates and alone time!
Fast forward a couple hours and a good friend of mine picked me up to get our make up done! I rocked some studz on my shirt and some black skinnies with motorcycle boots. We met two of our other mama friends their and then headed out for another birthday dinner. Finally! We've been saying for over a year that us 4 couples need to go out and mission accomplished. We went to a Benihana type place and had a friggin blast to say the absolute least! Sauki bombs up the ying yang and Afterward me and Cameron found ourselves a cozy loud bar and continued on with the fun!
I had to get up fairly early (blast!) and pick up the kiddos and come home and prep for a Super Bowl party. Dumb dumb dumb. I managed to clean the hell out of here with zero minutes to spare before our friends arrived. Kids played loud, and us ladies literally hovered over the food. I swear I didn't get out of the kitchen.
We ended our weekend watching How to loose a guy in 10 days, while receiving a nice foot rub and passing out incredibly early, -totally my kind of night! We are obviously not used to nights out on the town!

Looks like y'all had an awesome weekend! Love your studded shirt! And the food looks delicious.