Friday, September 28, 2012

Fridays Letters

Dear Thursday: We kicked your ass thank you very much! We covered  a TON of ground! After dropping our comforter off at the dry cleaners and a trip to the grocery store our day consisted painting, deep cleaning my couch pinterest style, and finishing a Halloween wreath, Ohhhh and making some baby headbands for a friends baby shower this weekend. Let's continue this today!

Dear Weekend: You consist of two baby showers. Woah. .

Dear Bedtime: We screwed up Wednesday night but perhaps that made us even more happy when the girls fell asleep at 7 last night, back on track!

Dear NFL: OK, so I'm so annoyed with you money hungry animals. You cost my team a game that they deserved. That's not OK. It's terrible you let it get so far, thank you for making a deal with the referees now.
Dear Spetember: Only two days left and Hellloooo October. I can not freaking wait!

IG: ashleawithana2


  1. I am super mad about the Packers/Seattle game! Grrr! I'm excited for October too, so much happening for us!!

    Have a great weekend! TWO babyshowers, wow!

    ♥ Shar

  2. Two baby showers in one weekend? MMMmmm. I am just imagining all of the yummy treats!

  3. Yay for October! and those refs need to get on down the road. So many stupid calls!
    Found you through the link up! Cute blog. Have a fabulous weekend!

  4. I'm so excited for October as well! It's always a wonderful month!
    Hope you have a great weekend!

  5. Hi from Friday Letters!

    I'm so happy it's October again, but it seriously feels like last October was just yesterday! How exciting, two baby showers! Have fun girl!!

    xox, Heather

  6. love the letters! popped over from sunday social- new follower!


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