Friday, July 13, 2012

Fridays Letters

Dear Target, I need a break. I never thought that I would speak those woatter) But my once daily trips are now in the past. I know I have a mild shopping problm and I need to get it under control. I will miss you.

Dear vaccume bags,
I don't know the proper name for you however Im now a believer. I never wanted to pend the money beforehand but now after seeing the space that once was taken up by blankets I'm in organizing heaven. I've been telling everyone about you! Your welcome.

Dear Dino Dan,
Thank you for teaching my girls what a T Rex is. Maybe soon they will know all of the dinosaurs.

Dear Husband,
Bless your heart. Thank you for waking up at 4 every morning for our family and coming home to rambunctious little girls and a wifey that keeps you up to late. I appreciate you more every second.

Our Friday morning wouln`t be complete without taking a trip {in the blistering hot} to the farmers market. Me and my girls scarfed down a vendor hot dog and then pretty much got the heck out of there.
Our plans for the weekend are completly up in the air right now so I didnt want to stock up to much just to leave town, and we are plenty stocked on Rainer cherries, strawberries, and plums. 

I hope you all have a great fun weekend :)


  1. I hear you about Target... I can't ever leave without spending at least $50... it's horrible! I have yet to go to a Farmer's Market this summer and I need to go! Have a great weekend! Visiting from Fridays Letters!


  2. Ahhh target gets me every time! Thanks so much for the comment : ) I hope that you stick to being you and I look forward to reading!

  3. I think I need to write the same exact letter to Target! Ha

  4. Love your friday letters!! I wish the farmers market was with in walking distance!

  5. Oh, man. Target. Such a wonderful, terrible place. :)
    I used vaccuum bags once to pack for an overseas move. They are incredible!!!
    Hope your weekend was nice. :)

  6. I love vacuum bags aka space bags. I put all of my daughter's old clothes in them and now I'm so glad I did because they are coming out soon to be washed for the new little girl on the way.


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