Monday, April 16, 2012

A glimpse of our weekend

I love sidewalk chalk. I'm so excited that its been nice enough to play outside with it. I even get in on the action. I swear that's how Raygan learned her shapes last summer. The weather was amazing yesterday! We spent the whole day outside, we took a couple walks, went to the park, and they played with chalk while I worked in the yard. It was a happy day :)
Later that evening we set out to get some flowers for our pots in our front yard. I'm excited for the Mr. to see our yard when he gets back, literally a transformation!
I cant get over this picture she looks so big!

We live in a cult a worries!

We stopped with the chalk to eat a little snack, we will probably be eating many meals out here because these girls eat happily without a fight! 

And she looks so big here too!! eek

Our tree is starting to bloom, I just thought it was pretty.
There is a glimpse of our weekend! I hope everyone else had a great one as well.


  1. Your girls are just too cute!! Cant wait to do chalk drawing with my kids!! (Those chicken nuggets look Delicious!!)

  2. We love doing sidewalk chalk on most days. Just wanted to come stop by as I have alittle girl right in between your two girls.


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