Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Top 11 of '11

Hi there! I decided to go along with the whole "Top 11 of 11" Posting your favorite top 11 pictures of your children out of the year 2011!
2011 was a big year for us! We welcomed our second baby Remy and our life seemed to never skip a beat! We're constantly on the go go go.
Here our my top 11 of Raygan!
Takin a break from mowing the lawn to drink some gatorade
Down the slide she goes

She loves her glasses

Those eyes :)

Swimmin with friends

Smile Raygan!

Walks by the park!

Playing at home

yup, shes a big sister alright

Climbing at the park

ohhh the fall....

And my top 11 of Remy!

3 days old

Sleeping at home 2 wks.
(I cant turn the picture!)

lounging around the house

at the park 6 months!

Swimming with friends! 6 months 
Our front steps 7 months

our front steps again. 7 months

swinging at the park. 9 months

10 months. Bumble bee

hanging out

Christmas time!! 11 months

The first couple of the pictures with each kid are before we had purchased our SLR camera. Im in love with it and still learning how to use the dang thing! I plan on doing on the of the photo/camera challenges I see all over to get better at the dang thing. I also want to take a photo editing class in the near future! I have a lot in store for 2012 :)
I cant believe she is going to be one next week, and I cant believe how much my oldest has grown and progressed in this last year!! Im looking forward to what 2012 brings.


  1. Oh my gosh! This is such a great idea!

  2. Your girls are really adorable. Love their smiles. i am so glad you linked up with us. Have a wonderful week.

  3. Congrats on your new addition this year. It will be fun to watch their relationship develop over the next year. I am so very thankful for my sister, so it is fun to see young siblings who get to experience the same thing.

    Thank you so much for linking up and sharing your family with us.


I love your sweet words!

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