Thursday, November 28, 2013


Obviously our house is pouring with love and all kinds of things to be thankful for at this moment


I’m thankful for three little girls with the absolute best spirits of all.

I’m thankful for a hardworking man that never seems to care if the house is a mess and that wakes up extra early to pick up a dessert for a first borns pre school feast because her mama passed out the night beforehand proving that she is most definitely not “supermom”


I’m thankful for a happy, peaceful home.

I’m thankful that we are surrounded by a ton of friends and family that are always there for us.

I'm thankful for where we are in our lives. 

Happy Thanksgiving to you all! I hope you are all enjoying a nice day with your families.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, and congratulations on your newest arrival! She is so sweet!

  2. These photos are just about as precious as they come. Your girls are just soo sweet. I love seeing the 2 oldest love on their new baby sister!!

    Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  3. Just dying over all the precious moments captured in these pictures. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Oh Roury, you are so precious! I think I need to make a road trip and come see all of you!! I love the pictures of all three of them, too sweet!! Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

  5. Your girls are so beautiful, congrats!


I love your sweet words!

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